phpBB for Dummies

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phpBB for Dummies

Postby KLA2 » Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:01 pm

I have a request. Sort of phpBB for Dummies.

Could a sticky be posted on how to perform various functions? For example, copy a picture from elsewhere on the web to appear in a post here? Create a link to a post or a thread within this board? Launch a spell checker (if there is one)? Create a poll? That sort of thing.

I know I asked and was told previously (thanks, Enzo and others!) but I have forgotten and am too lazy to search for the posts. :oops:

This could be done in a Q&A format - Q: How do I ... A: which could be answered by any member who knows. (Anyone but me. :roll: )

I am sure some newbies, or senile old farts like me, would find this useful. Thanks!

Please feel free to change the name of this thread if you use it for this purpose.
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-Friedrich Nietzsche
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