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Anti-social media

PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 2:24 pm
by Heid the Ba
Upload your whereabouts on social media, get tracked down and killed. Kind of like the US Special Forces bases which were tracked the same way because squaddies are too stupid/vain not to upload their sporting prowess even at a secret base.

Re: Anti-social media

PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 2:30 pm
by Мастер
Heid the Ba wrote:Upload your whereabouts on social media, get tracked down and killed. Kind of like the US Special Forces bases which were tracked the same way because squaddies are too stupid/vain not to upload their sporting prowess even at a secret base.

So if Ukraine is behind it, is that a war crime?

Re: Anti-social media

PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 7:42 am
by Heid the Ba
Yes, but just another in a long list.

Re: Anti-social media

PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 1:42 pm
by Arneb
A high-ranking Ukrainian intelligence member has since denied he was a target for Ukraine. "He was apparently targeted by his own people, for refusing take out orders to carry out rocket attacks with a predictybly high civilian deat toll."

I notice I couldn't hav anwered Matep's question. Is it, and why is it a war crime to target high-ranking enemy personel behind the front lines? Would it be a war crime if Ukraine successfully targeted Uncle Volodya in a drone strike while he is having himself photagraphed shirtless on horseback?

Re: Anti-social media

PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 2:30 pm
by Мастер
Arneb wrote:A high-ranking Ukrainian intelligence member has since denied he was a target for Ukraine. "He was apparently targeted by his own people, for refusing take out orders to carry out rocket attacks with a predictybly high civilian deat toll."

I notice I couldn't hav anwered Matep's question. Is it, and why is it a war crime to target high-ranking enemy personel behind the front lines? Would it be a war crime if Ukraine successfully targeted Uncle Volodya in a drone strike while he is having himself photagraphed shirtless on horseback?

It seems this individual was a former combatant, so a current civilian.

Re: Anti-social media

PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 10:17 pm
by Heid the Ba
I would also want evidence that the Ukrainian was telling the truth.

Re: Anti-social media

PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 1:09 am
by Мастер
A high-level Ukrainian intelligence officer has given the route "kudos" on Strava.

Or at least someone with the same name has.

Re: Anti-social media

PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 4:07 am
by Мастер
So I'm going on a long bicycle ride now.

I'll first verify that my Strava settings are not set to "public".